Security policies and tips to protect GCSB customers
GCSB Internet & 手机银行为您提供一个私人和安全的环境进行银行交易,并与我们的团队沟通. 只有您和您在注册表上授权的人可以访问您的帐户或信息.
Identify Theft
- 信用监控很容易设置和跟踪活动在所有三个主要的信用局- Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Credit monitoring will alert you when loans, accounts are opened in your name, or if there are unexpected changes to your credit limits, personal information on file, and more.
- 定期监控你的财务报表和信用报告.
- 设置银行警报,以帮助发现可疑活动,如无效登录, transactions, or fraudulent charges.
- Federal Trade Commission:
- Office of the Inspector General:
- Identity Theft Task Force
- U.S. Postal Inspection Service:
- Equifax: 1.800.685.1111 or
- Experian: 1.800.311.4769 or
- TransUnion: 1.800.916.8800 or
Social Engineering
- Never use the same password for different accounts
- Use multi-factor authentication
- Be wary of too-good-to-be-true offers
使社会工程特别危险的是它依赖于人为错误, 而不是软件和操作系统的漏洞. 合法用户犯的错误很难预测, 这使得它们比基于恶意软件的入侵更难识别和阻止.
Email and Phone Tips – Recognize and Avoid
骗子利用电子邮件或短信欺骗你,让你提供个人和财务信息. 他们会试图让你点击链接或打开附件. These emails and texts can look like:
- ‘We’ve noticed suspicious activity on your account’
- ‘There’s a problem with your payment information’
- ‘Confirm your personal information’
Do not click on any links that you do not recognize. 不要打开你不认识的电子邮件或电话号码的附件.
Clear giveaways that something is spam:
- The email has a generic greeting, such as ‘Hello Dear,’
- 邮件说你的账户因为账单问题被搁置了
- 电子邮件邀请您点击链接以更新您的付款详细信息
合法的公司不会通过电子邮件或短信链接来更新你的付款信息. Phishing emails can often lead to identify theft.
Financial Elder Abuse
财务滥用可包括欺诈和/或利用不正当影响来控制老年人的金钱或财产. 我们将尽我们所能帮助客户纠正金融滥用行为.
了解并采取必要的安全预防措施可以帮助保护你或你所爱的人免受诈骗的伤害, fraud and other types of financial abuse.
勒索软件是一种限制用户访问其数据的恶意软件, 要么锁定整个系统,要么加密文件.
为了防止勒索软件攻击,请备份您的数据并确保其安全. 保持你的技术是最新的,看看杀毒软件或类似的软件.
Often, 骗子会试图“勒索”你的信息,让你用礼品卡付款, bitcoin, or another cryptocurrency.
Pay attention to what you click. 超链接和弹出窗口经常会把你带到令人困惑的网站,或者立即邀请恶意软件到你的设备上. Always be wary of where and what you’re clicking.
Report Suspicious Activity
Do you think you’ve been a victim of fraud? 如果您怀疑您的账户有欺诈活动,请联系您当地的分行. manager or representative.
在你的银行账户上设置警报很简单,可以帮助你发现可疑的活动,比如无效登录, transactions, or fraudulent online charges.
Report a lost or stolen debit card
保护您的信息和冻结丢失或被盗的借记卡, be sure to report the situation as soon as possible. During business hours (M-F 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or Sat 8 a.m. – 11 a.m.), call your local GCSB branch. For after-hours reporting, call Shazam at (800) 383-8000.
Mobile & internet security features
Password Protection
每次登录你的账户时,你都需要提供你的用户名和密码. 为了您的安全,请将此信息保密. If you forget your password, contact Guthrie County State Bank. 在您的设备上进行三次错误尝试后,您的帐户将被锁定.
Data Encryption
每次您使用互联网或手机银行平台进行银行业务, 您的通信和登录过程将被加密. 这允许您的信息在发送给我们时被打乱, and we unscramble it upon receipt. 这为您在我们之间传输的数据提供了高级别的保护. To ensure your browser supports the required encryption, 我们建议您使用支持128位加密的浏览器.
防火墙是一项基本的网络安全功能,在决定谁可以或不可以访问它所保护的信息方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 防火墙的使用允许GCSB防止未经授权的或恶意的访问信息的尝试.
Mobile-exclusive security measures
Operating System
iphone和android等智能手机的内置操作系统是高度可控和安全的. 这在保护你的手机银行信息方面起着重要的作用.
Brella™ Fraud Alerts
通过GCSB使用Brella™应用程序进行银行业务,使您能够通过手机上的文本警报和应用程序通知监控可疑活动. Brella™不仅可以接收警报,还可以轻松防止欺诈, but to turn your debit card on or off as well.
Additional Security Authentication
To add another layer of protection to your information, 您的手机银行账户将要求您在首次使用账户时回答额外的安全认证问题.
Protecting Against a Lost Device
In the event that you lose your mobile device, 确保没有人可以访问它或其中的信息是很重要的. 打电话给您的移动服务提供商,并按照步骤停用您的手机. Additionally, 您可以联系GCSB将您的注册移动设备从您的授权账户设备中移除.